Life Updates from Former Employees |
(Updates in RED)
Abernathy, Paul -I left Xerox during the voluntary RIF and traveled from coast to coast to pursue
photography. I subsequently worked at Andros in Berkeley and at Adaptec in Milpitas. In '97 I retired from Adaptec and now
spend my time on traveling, photographing, woodworking, and family affairs. Five children and five grandchildren bring me
Abeyta, Debbie (McFadden) - Hayward, California
Alexander, Joan (Jiminez)
and Howard Alexander - In December, 2005, we left the hot hot California desert and
moved to Coeur d"Alene, Idaho. We both are enjoying being back into four seasons like Tahoe. It is absolutely beautiful
up here and the people are very friendly. Lots of Californians have moved here. Our new address and phone number:
3957 W. Lennox Loop, Coeur d'Alene, Id 83815. Home phone: 208-772-3548. Joan's cell is 208-691-9968 and Howard's is
208-691-9300. Joan's cell and Howard's cell.
Andersen, Carlos - My name is Carlos F. Andersen, I was one of the Process Engineers at Xerox. I
was in charge of designing the product packaging and packaging equipment. I left Xerox in August 1989, and
went lto Northern Telecom in Santa Clara as a Process Engineer. I retired in March 2000 from Nortel Networks.
I am also retired from Ford, Xerox and Nortel Networks.We moved from California to Utah in May 2000. This is where both
of us grew up and Jeanine (my wife) wanted to return to her home town. I hope that I can make the reunion in 2004. Email Carlos
Auer, Bill- left Diablo systems in 1982 and joined a Hard Drive manufacturing Company called
Priam expecting to get rich from the High Tech Industry, but was treated to a worthless stock option when Priam went bankrupted.
Moved on to Apple Computer in 1984 expecting the technology boom to continue and after weathering many ups and downs and several
career changes at Apple over a 19 year career decided to get out of the Hi Tech rat race in 2001. I am now a general contractor
specializing in fixer uppers homes and commercial properties. Cell Phone Number - 408-505-6995 Fax Number - 408-927-5283
Dave- Val and the dog and me are touring Alaska in our RV. We sold our place in Lapine last month
and left on August 4th. Sometime around the end of September we should back in Oregon. At that time
we'll start looking for a place in the Grants Pass area. (posted 9/9/03). Email Dave
Busby, Cliff-My wife Sue and I live
at Donner Summit near Truckee. I work in construction and Sue has a vacation rental business. We have two daughters, Breanne
11 years, and Haley 9 years. My son Daniel is 23. You can email me if you'd like.
Bradley, Gail (Rose) -My husband and I moved to Cottonwood, CA just two years ago, I consider
this a semi-retirement, slowing down from the Bay Area. I went back to school after leaving Xerox and majored in accounting.
I worked for two electronic companies as an accounting manager (MCX and Hash-tech) both in the Silicon Valley for about 16
years before tiring completely of the Bay Area. I currently work for Shasta County as an accountant and my husband of 17 years
works for a non-profit agency assisting low income people with their housing needs. Both of my kids are grown, married and
I have two granchildren, both boys. Email Gail
Brundage, Lewis - California
Jerry-Since leaving Xerox, Jerry has had many adventures, including opening a resort for divers, Playa Santa Fe,
in Venezuela. He also got married to a Venezuelan woman, Daisy. Jerry recently returned to the US and now works for Tung Tai,
a recycling company. He also manages condominiums. Email Jerry
Clement, Alvin - California
Cobarrubias, Marianne (Milliken) and Frank - (April
1992) We moved to the Boston area on a Xerox corporate relo. Built a farmhouse along Massachusetts' northshore very near the
New Hampshire stateline. Marianne was employed by the Timberland Company for 12 years/sales dept. (Stratham, New
Hampshire). We sold our Mass. home (April'06) and headed back west. Frank continued working part time for a Xerox
subsidiary in Menlo Park, & retired in August '07. We built our retirement home in southern Arizona and commute between
Arizona & the Bay Area. Email Us Website
Comstock, George- In 1977, several of us from Diablo- Chuck Waggoner, John Scandalios, Don Shaw and
I started a new company, Durango Systems, to build computers used in managing small businesses. It was a desktop unit
with built-in printer, floppy and hard drive, 9" monitor screen-plus a complete set of business software. Things went well
until IBM announced the IBM Personal Computer. We achieved profitable operations early in our 3rd year of business, and in
all, delivered about 7,500 of the computers.Some folks still remember the Durango computer on display in the San Jose Airport
terminal building. My first marriage broke up in 1978. In 1979 Ann Hillman, a Management Consultant, was retained by
Durango- and that led to our marrying. We celebrated our 21st anniversary this year. In 1983 I left Durango and
spent three years looking into creating several new companies, none of which gelled, while earning a living by doing expert
witnessing in computer-oriented lawsuits. 1986 saw a change in my fortune when I became the 4th employee of a new
startup, Network General Corp., as Sales and Marketing VP. The product was the "Sniffer", a network protocol analyzer
that is still the leader in its field. Retired for good in 1992. Anne and I have been living in Portola Valley for about
a dozen years. For eight of them I served as a member of the town's Architectural and Site Control comission, a voluntary
appointive job. Last fall I ran for our Town Council, a voluntary elective position, and won a seat- my first political adventure,
and I'm loving it. Hoping I'll be able to make the Diablo reunion- it feels great to know that folks care enough about
their Diablo experience to want to get together from time to time. Email George
Cowdrey-Marsh, Colette- Gary Marsh and I married
in 1991. I changed careers after leaving Xerox, from assembler to Administrative Assistant. I was Office Administrator
at a non-profit organization in Oakland for awhile. Gary worked at Solectron for 5 years. Mishel, Colette's
daughter, married last December. Gary's son, Ken, will be getting married this coming June. We are still without
grandchildren, but are hoping that will change in the next couple of years. Late 2005, COLETTE &
Craven, Bruce-Life has become a lot more tame since
I left Diablo and sold my Harley Davidson. I have been married to Sandi since 1983 and inherited a nice daughter (Julie) who
gave us a grandson in 1994. Since departing Xerox I stayed on the path of least resistance (High Tech) and have had a number
of jobs, mostly focused on Quality Assurance and Testing, working in everything from Biotechnology to Aerospace. In 1991,
I decided this would be my last bout with unemployment after another manufacturing company closed down. I decided to
go back to school to re-tool my skills. Becoming a Software Engineer was the right choice and being unemployed is never an
issue even at this old age. Sandi and I live in San Mateo where we spend a lot of time with family. When we are not working,
we spend our time dining or traveling. We are scheduled to gain a new son-in-law when Julie remarries next Spring. He is a
really nice guy. Our family also includes 3 long-haired Chihuahuas. These dogs believe they are single handedly fighting the
war on terrorism whenever they see the mailman or another dog. They're like attack piranhas out of water! I still
see a few of the old Diablo folks once in a while. I went abalone diving with Cliff Busby about a month ago. I thought I was
going to drown when kelp wrapped around my leg and I couldn't make it to the surface. I guess a few exciting things still
happen. Like a lot of you, I too, was faced with a life threatening illness a couple of years back. I have managed
to come out of it better and healthier than ever. Maybe it is presumptuous, but it seems like anyone who hasn't been there
really doesn't get it. I would love to hear from any of you. (Bruce passed away May 2007)Creighton, Ron- I volunteered for the RIF in 1989 to continue
law school. I passed the bar (legal that is) in 1991and have had my office in downtown Hayward since that time. Email Ron
Darby, Frankie - California
DiModica, Sher (Gegenheimer)- I worked for
Diablo/Xerox from July 1970 to July 1986 basically in the Accounting Department and Cycle Count. I was employee number
54. Some of my bosses were Bob Rice, Bob Perotti, Rowena Cochrane, Barbara Farhner and Earnest Burke. I divorced
my first husband in 1978 and the wonderful people at work were very supportive. Had a great time working there and met
some life long friends. My son, Jason, works for a prepress company and has a three and a half year old daughter, Presley
Nicole, who is the light of my life. My daughter, Jenna, is back in school (about time) racking up a 4.0 so far. Going
for degree in Business. My husband, Bill, whom I married in 1986, works for American Airlines at Lambert-St. Louis.
We are hoping AA will stay in St. Louis area for a few more years. Bill and I will be married 17 years this March (year?).
Moving to Missouri was a good move for the kids. Jen is definitely a Missouri girl. She has made life long friends.
Jason has made great friends, too, but he was older and misses west coast. But, he has traveled to Seattle, DC, Florida,
Chicago, Milwaukee, etc. so being able to fly on TWA really expanded everyone's horizon, including mine. We attended
the reunion in 2002 and fully expect to be there this year. Diablo/Xerox had/has a wonderful group of people. Email Sher
Dobertin, Gerald - worked in
Materials. I was the PC Manager for the 630 printer, and I took Tom Allison's job when he replaced Mumford. I worked at Diablo
1979 to 1984.Currently I am unemployed. Part of a RIF. If you know of anyone needing a materials manager let them know I am
very available. email Gerald
Dunham, Gene- In 1983 I left Xerox, after
9 1/2 years, and joined Apple Computer's Macintosh div. There I worked in the Test Eng. dept. for Sam Lyall. (Sam had left
Xerox the pervious year). After almost five years to the day I followed Sam to a start up co. named NeXT Computers. I was
with NeXT for 3 1/2 years but the co. was failing and in 1992 I was searching for other employment. Later that year I took
a job with HMT in the QA dept. HMT produced media for hard disk drives and occupied the two buildings that was built on that
vacant lot just west of 901 Page Ave. In 2000 HMT merged with their nearest competitor Komag Inc. in San Jose where I am presently
employed. In 1985, while with Apple, I was diagnosed with M.S. This disease has mostly affected my
legs and today I "get around" using a cane or a three wheeled electric cart. Email Gene Dunham, Toddy- Well,
hope none of you get bored. After I left Xerox,(which was the happiest day of my life) I collected my so-called earnings
from that company for 18 mos., then after that took on various jobs as a Receptionist, which I really enjoyed. Then in 1993
we lost our beloved granddaughter Valerie, and I think I would have gone a little crazy if it wasn't for Judy and Cliff asking
me to work for them as a Receptionist. I worked for them for about 3 years, (Boy, was I lousy at that job) but they loved
me anyway. In 1997 I started a new career as a Nanny. I worked at that job until Nov. 2000, then the mother of
the children I cared for decided to be a stay-at-home mom. I still see the children whenever I want, plus I started another
Nanny position in Sept. taking care of 2 children in Niles, the same area that I had the other Nanny position. I have 10 grandchildren,
4 in Antioch, 3 in Virginia, and 3 in Washington State. My own family is still in Hawaii, my sister visits me every
year for a month, so I don't get too homesick. Yes, Gene and I are still together(TILL DEATH) SO , he is stuck with me. Ha!
Ha! So, that's it. Take care all. Email Toddy
Egler, Bill- (update
nov'09) My wife and I are currently both working for the Livermore Area Recreation and Parks District in Livermore ,
CA and have 5 more years until retirement. We will be moving at that time to Colorado . We have 6 wonderful children (5 boys
and 1 girl) and we have 3 grandchildren. One of our boys is in Afghanistan and we’re hoping and praying he will be home
early 2010. I wish everyone at our Xerox alumni the best of health and happiness and look forward to hearing from everyone
and maybe the next reunion. My email address has changed and it is Email Bill
Feldstein, Carmen and Geno- Geno and I were one of
the couples who met at Xerox. We got married in July 1978. We had two daughers, bought a bait shop, then moved
to Valley Springs in 1980. Our third was born in Clements-1983. Geno works as a maintenance mechanic for a large company in
Lodi where we have lived for 4 years. I'm a second grade teacher in Lodi. Our daughters, Sierra (22) and Marina (21) attend
local universities, while Marissa (18) attends a local college. We will celebrate our 24th anniversary this year! See
you at the reunion. (Submitted by Carmen Feldstein) email the Feldsteins
Fernandez, Ada- I am currently working at Electronic
Arts, designer of video games. I just started there a few months ago after being laid off from Nortel Networks. I used to
think Nortel (Formerly BayNetworks) was the refugee camp for former Xerox employees. It seemed like everytime I turned around,
I met someone from Xerox. Years ago, while still working at Xerox (formerely Versatec) I used to go to a hamburger joint for
lunch and found out the owner was a former Xerox employee! We are everywhere!. Take care, and I look forward to seeing some
familiar faces. Email Ada
Bob - California
Gardner, Carla (now Kurtz)
- After leaving Xerox in 1984, I went to Ohlone College for 2 years and then moved to Tacoma Washington. I lived there
for 8 years. In 1990, my husband of 18 years passed away. I remarried in 1992 & am raising a 2nd family.
I have 7 kids and 10 grandkids. I live in the Phoenix Arizona area now and am an accounting manager for a property management
company. Now that I'm used to the heat, I love it here! I love to hear from anyone who remembers me. Email Carla
Gasper, Dan - (Best known for the 1976 Briefcase Bomb incident) After leaving Diablo-Fremont iin
January 1990, I went to work in the M.E. department for Versatec-XES-XCGS in Santa Clara with Bharat Rawal and Dave Bigelow.
It took Xerox ten more years to totally screw up that operation too, and it was shut down in 2000. From there I went to Solectron,
the World's Leading Sweatshop operation. I stayed there almost a year. Wouldn't have stayed that long if it weren't for a
couple of decent managers-Ken Chew and Jim Lyons - who also came from Versatec. Gary Marsh and Jack Boren and Phil Senegal
may still be working at Solectron. (Don't know how they stand it.) Fortunately, they laid me off before I resigned out of
frustration. I'm now retired and wondering why the hell I didn't retire sooner. Life is good. I still live in Newark and have
no plans to leave. My daughter lives in Fremont and works full time for the Newark P.D. and is studying for her Master's Degree
at Cal State Hayward. She's keeping me busy with home improvement projects at her condo. See you on July 13. Email Dan
(Gonzales) Maldonado, Myrna- I've been married since 1989
and had two more children, Steven, who's now 11 years old, and Katherine, who's 6. My older daughter (almost 29!) moved
to New York, graduated from AMDA (American Musical and Dramatic Academy), and has done some off-Broadway shows. She
is a fitness instructor when she's not out auditioning. I was a technician at Apple Computer for 7 years and then when
our department was eliminated, I decided to switch careers and went into Legal Document Processing and am now (and have been
for the last 4 years) working at WSGR (Wilson, Sonsinio Goodrich &Rosati). I'm really happy here and hope this is a
more secure career. The way I took it, laywers have been around since the beginning of time, so maybe the chances are a lot
better than in electronics. Email Myrna
Griswold, Dorothy-After leaving Xerox Fremont
I went and worked in San Jose at Versatec for a while. Then after that I went to school and took a very hard test
to become a school bus driver. I passed the test and passed the drivers part of it and I have been driving a school
bus in Fremont for the last 5 Years. It isn't easy putting up with all these kids but I enjoy it. Both of
my sons have turned out to be very good guys and I'm very proud of them. They are both married to great gals and they
each have one son. I also have a 8 year old step-Grandson from one of my son's first marriage. The baby from my other
son is now 8 months old, he is the only one that lives close by, so I spoil him as much as possible. Between working
and spending time with all of them I stay pretty busy. I am also involved with the Fremont Elks. Maybe some of
you saw in the newspaper that I was the first female member of that chapter. They weren't very excited with having me
join, but they made their big mistake when they said it was for men only. My comeback was that "we will see about." David and I are still married and he is still working too. David has 4 Grandchildren, but they live back east so he doesn't see them but maybe once a year. He is looking
to retire within the next couple of years. He spends every Sunday golfing with all the same guys he has always golfed
with from Xerox. He is still in the manufacturing side of business. He is a Plant Manager and hasn't changed much,
except for getting older, as we all are. He still goes to the gym every morning before work, so he is still skinny.
Can't say that about me though! Ha Ha. Plump and happy. David has been talking lately about retiring and living on
a houseboat. Don't have any idea where that came from, but I don't think that is what I want to do. Take care and
hope to see you all in July too. Email Dorothy
Haberer, Pat -I am now Patty
Dwyer, but at Xerox I was Pat Haberer. My husband, Bill is also a former Xerox employee. He never worked in Fremont, only
Hayward, from 1977-1981. To bring you up to date on current employers, I work for Fairchild Imaging (Controller) and
Bill for Quantum Corp. (Customer Service Mgr.). Email Pat
Althea-After I left Xerox Fremont I worked for a while In San Jose at Versatec, Xerox, then from there I stayed at
home and helped raise my grandchildren. When they all moved to Reno. I sold my home and lived full time in our
motor home at the thousand trails campgrounds in Morgan Hill, which Steve drove to San Jose to work. While living there
I ran and taught crafts in a room on the grounds. I still love to make things and it was so much fun teaching other
people how to create things too. After a year and a half my son and his wife split up and he and the Children wanted
to come back to live with us. So, I bought another home in Fremont, were the kids started school and I again became
a working grandmother for the kids. There were 3 of them and just recently my son met another woman and he moved out.
The kids have all grow up and went there own way except for one who went back to live with his mother. I am now
again retired, and spending my time doing my crafts and going to Bingo. Steve has had some medical problems, but he
is still working, so that is keeping us from selling everything and go traveling. I understand that we are all getting together
next July, can't wait to see you all then. Email Althea
Heflin Biro, Lori-Hi everyone. My new Husband Barney and I moved to Oregon in
1995. We bought a nice home and now have 2 grandchildren. I gave up production jobs and now have a sales position
in a company called Star source. I love sales. Those who knew me know that I had a gift of gab. My
old bosses could tell you that. HEHE. I want to know where Ron Hodges and Josie are and if they are still married.
Email Lori
Hines, Harvey - Fremont, California
Ronald - I worked at Diablo from Jan 1976 to Jan 1978. I was a design engineer in the drive division. I worked on
the 44 B disk drive and also was program manager on the series 10 dual disk drive.After leaving Diablo, I did a second stint
at Memorex, then 11 years at Digital Eq. Corp. in Colorado Springs. I returned to the Bay area and retired after working for
Standard Electromagnetic Sales and Akashic.Sorry to say the only company still in operation is Xerox. They had just purchased
Diablo when I joined them.Looking forward to any news. Email Ronald
Hom, Dave- My employee number
was 24, and I started with Diablo Systems in 1970 as a draftsman. I stayed to the very end in 1990 until they handed me my
RIF layoff notice and my 20 years service pin at the same time. There were only about 150 employees left at that time, mostly
upper management. Corporate policy states that they had to take me out to lunch, but there was something wrong with that picture.
None of the people that I enjoyed working with were around. I went to several startups ( Ascor, Polycom, Liveworks/Xerox,
uppercase/Xerox, Ascend Comm., and current company - Aperto Networks ) as Documentation Manager. I am hoping to retire after
we go IPO (I hope, I hope, I hope.... ). I have been married for 28 years and we still live in San Ramon. I still commute
to work. We are going through empty nest syndrome by skiing in the winter (without the kid), camping in the summer (without
the kid), and line-dancing all year around. I can't believe it, me,line dancing. Email Dave
Katzakian, David - Diablo
Systems in 1973-1980. Ph. 559-840-1499 or Email David
Koep, Ann- If you remember Auntie Emily (Cantu) then
you will remember me. I started working at Xerox in 1976. I took the layoff in 1986 and since then have been running my own
childcare and preschool out of my home. I used to work for Dee Alvarado and then Gary Tully and then Gary Marsh. I really
miss all the friends that I made there. Todd and I have been married for going on 27 years and our girls are now 25 and 22
years old. They are not married yet, and we have no grandkids. We are still waiting. This summer Todd and I will be
moving to Hawaii. We bought a house on the same street as my parents. We will be living in on the big island in a town called
Pahoa. We still live in the same house in Fremont. We are trying to sell our 29' motorhome, so if you know anyone who might
be interested, email me. Email Ann
Lain, Mary Lou - I retired from Chabot
College last year. I worked for Xerox twenty years. I went to San Jose and was able to retire from Xerox with full coverage
for life. I was lucky, as they closed the plant just when I turned 55 with 20 years service. I still go out with Bob Gent
(another Xerox alum).
Mack, Jim - California
Mindley, John &
Gloria (Flowers) - Arizona
Montgomery, Sharon - I started with Diablo in 1972 and worked for George Comstock during the union negotiations.
I then worked for Gordon Nelson in the Printer Supplies division down in Sunnyvale for awhile. I transferred back to
Hayward worked for Larry Lovelace in Contracts, then Ridley Rhind and Rigdon Currie (Marketing VP's), and back to Larry Lovelace in
Contracts Administration. Finally ending up as Scheduler/Contracts Administrator Curtis Castain and Debbie Marrs
in the Printer Supplies at the old Building D next to the original Diablo building - full circle.I volunteered for the RIF
in 1989, went back to school and got my B.S. degree.I have now been married for 35 years, lived in the same house for 25 years.
My oldest son, Patrick, graduated from San Jose state and is now working on his masters degree. Chris, my youngest,
is an artist, but supports himself in construction. I currently work at ADVO, direct mail advertising, as the Western
Division Marketing Manager. The Diablo/Xerox days were wonderful. The camaraderie we all had is hard to recapture.
I sort of grew up there. Email Sharon
Morris, Lyle - I left Diablo/Xerox in 1984.
I was in engineering, the program manager for the Model 630 and then for the Series 80/IF. My wife is the former Marie
Smith, we met and married while at Diablo. She was a secretary in Personnel, then in Engineering. She also left in 1984.
I spent 14 years at Apple Computer, then left to start up a company- Anelace, Inc. ( -with another former Xerox employee, Roger Thompson. We are looking forward
to seeing folks at the picnic. Email Lyle
Murray, Dallas- I started at NUMMI in Facilities
Maintenance just after I was laid off from Xerox (I was still collecting my 4 weeks continuation pay) and have been here ever
since, I have been working third shift for the last 12 years and moved up to be the Facilities Engineer in charge of all QCI
equipment used in the final testing of all of the Toyota Corollas, Tacoma P/Us and the "New" Pontiac Vibe (we build about
325,000 vehicles a year). I purchased a home here in Fremont about a mile from NUMMI so I don't have to be bothered with the
commute here in the bay area. For the last 7 years I have been active in numerous school committees and helping local schools
to install computer networks, computer labs and have helped NUMMI to donate to the local schools over 200 computers. In the
summer I help manage a nonprofit swim club with 2 large pools. So you can see that I keep a very busy life with all of the
above and helping to raise 2 of my 4 grandkids.Email Dallas
Oliver, Barbara (Johnson) - The reunion
sounds like fun. I will plan on being there. I still go to the Bay Area a couple of times a year cuz my dad and stepmom and
brother still live there. I've been here, in Gardnerville, for 8 years now. I'm divorced with two great kids. I had Kevin
just before I got laid off from Xerox and had my daughter, Rebecca, a couple of years later (1990). Email Barbara
Olberg, Gary -
Hayward, California
Olberg, Greg-I took the volunteer retirement that
Xerox offered in 1984 and went back to school. I studied full-time for 7 years finally graduating from Life Chiropractic
College in 1992. I have been happily divorced since 1986. Those of you who remember by babies Jeb is now 24 and Lindsay
22. Those babies have been replaced with granddads Anthony 6, Shayla 15 months and Brianna 4 months. All the fun
but none of the hassles. I spend most of my time at my office "Olberg Chiropractic" 22791 Foothill Blvd., Hayward 510-886-6060.
When not there I am either working out or traveling. I still run occasional races, a habit I picked up while at
Xerox, but more often triathlons. Traveling though is what keeps me going. I live for that rush of flying off to foreign
lands. I started by going off to the Bahamas with my brothers Gary and Dan and couldn't stop. Now I take the trips
solo but do manage to get to the Super Bowl sites and Giants spring training yearly with the bros. New Orleans Super
Bowl this year has the added fun of the Mardi Gras the week following. A week in a Bread & Breakfast in the French
Quarter. Three Olberg's, two large celebrations, one city, can New Orleans survive. Other places I've been, Europe for
Octoberfest, Jamaica at Hedonism, Australia for the Olympics, SCUBA diving in Key Largo, Negril, Cancun, Cozumel and the Great
Barrier Reef. I have made it a goal to travel the seven continents in seven years, which means I will be off to Rio
late November. My Mom (Rose Olberg) who also worked at Xerox is still living at the same place and Gary has moved in to give
her a hand as my dad passed away in 96. They are not online but working at it. email Greg
Orton, John- Worked
for Xerox/Diablo 1975-1990. Web Page: Email John (added 5/31/06)
Pincenti, Joe - I worked at Diablo from '75-'86. Diane and I are still
together and in good health so far. I am retired now. I spent the last 6 years with Canon managing the parts department, prior
to that I was with Xerox as a field service Manager. When I left Diablo I went to Century Data, but Xerox sold that company
several months after I got there. After that I went into field service in LA and was responsible for their service centers
in and around the LA area. I was also on loan to ESD servicing Desk tops, that I enjoyed, I was not under the Xerox politics.
I am a grandfather of two beautiful Girls. I try playing golf couple of time a week, work out,
do some traveling, and that's about it for now. I didn't see Glen Wilks or Chick Chumbara on the web site. Do you have
any leads on them? I lost touch with them after they left. Time goes by fast. I did run into Rich Gila about 6 years ago,
I actually interviewed for a job with him prior to going to work for Canon. Email Joe (added 1/31/07)
Read, Ellie- I worked for Diablo Systems from 1979 to 1995
in the Finance Department. I have just aquired tickets from Rochester to sunny California to join in the festivities. I was
laid off on November 30, 2001 when Xerox closed its Canandaigua, New York plant.
Anna - Wow, it's been 21 years since I left Diablo. Yes, I did go to HP and just took an early retirement, I just turned 50 and this was
the first time they offered to 50 and up, it was always 55. I still will have to work, and am trying to get on with the State.
If that doesn't work out I will try bartending. I went to school for that years ago, but never wanted to leave the security
of my job. This may be my chance. I live in Sacramento, but worked for HP in Roseville. My daughters, Tamara and Shannon
are 32 and 27 now. Tamara has a son Marcos 13 and a daughter Alexandria soon to be 11. She is a fantastic Mom, so I like to
think, I must have done something right. ; ) I have a dog named Mila,
she is 1/2 Rotwieller, 1/4 miniature Doberman, and 1/4 Springer spaniel, she is however 100% spoiled! I love to
travel, and have gone to the Bahamas 2-3 time a year for the last 7 years. I have alot of friends there now and get invited
to weddings, house parties etc, it's like my home away from home! Email Anna
Rowe, Terrie and
Bob- Check it out, another couple who met at Xerox. We celebrated our 21th wedding anniversary last September. Where
did the years go? We still live in San Lorenzo, and have a couple of fur children, little Border Terriers. After leaving Xerox,
I (Terrie) worked in training and continuous improvement at a couple of places. Then, in 1991 I joined a brand new start up
consortium, where I was able to wear lots of hats, including account management, event planning, marketing and corporate communications.
Sadly, the company closed after ten years. After that I worked at a company called Manex for a year, but then in October of
2002, they cut back and I got laid off. I started in Jan of '05 at the medical speciality association. In
2001 I went back to an old pastime, writing fiction. So far I've had three of my stories published in national magazines.
After Xerox Bob became a truck driver. He got a job with Youngs Market, delivering liquor, which he did until 1999. Bob had
a serious medical crisis in the early nineties. He had pancreatic cancer, very serious. But they found it before it spread
and did a very radical surgery on him. The cancer is gone (knock wood) but he has some issues as a result of the surgery.
We had so many good times during the Diablo/Xerox days. We look forward to hearing more about what everyone is up to. Email Bob and Terrie
Sheppard (Groth) Carolyn - I left Xerox
to work for Ungermann Bass, which was purchased by Tandem Computer, which was purchased by Compaq. I left Compaq in June 2000
to work for Agilent Technologies, Roseville, CA, which is a spin off of HP. Since I didn't want to commute from the Bay
Area to Roseville, I sold my house in Union City and had a beautiful home built in Elk Grove. I'm only a mile and a half from
my 4 grandchildren, so I am in heaven. After my divorce I changed my name from Sheppard to Groth. Email Carolyn
Sklar, Joe- I have been working for the Oakland
Unified School District as a teacher since I left Diablo, a long 17 years ago. I have been teaching English as a Second Language
and history to middle and high school students. Three years ago, I participated in a program administered by the Ministry
of Education in Spain and taught school in Madrid for a year. My wife and I loved the experience of living in another country.
I got to practice my Spanish and she became a serious student and took two hour Spanish class daily. We visited most of the
Western European countries and even got as far as the Czech Republic and Hungary. During the Winter school break we took the
ferry across to Morrocco and spent two weeks there. Since I returned to Oakland I have been working in a variety of positions
to provide support and training to new Oakland teachers. The last two vacations my wife and I took were to visit our sons.
Last summer we went to South Korea to visit our younger son who was there teaching English. We all traveled to Thailand and
Cambodia as well. This summer we visited our older son who is working in London. Then we all visited Ireland and Scotland.
Email Joe
Slate, DeDe- I have a lot of pictures
around from the Xerox days. I'll have to get to them soon so you can post them. My daughter, Sarah is now 15 yrs old and tall
like Gary, looks like Gary too! But sassy like me. OH well! I never remarried, but Gary recently married for the 3rd time
and now lives in NC. I just sold my bike Harley sporty but I do miss riding. I work for Kaiser now for 13 yrs in Pediatrics
dept. Email Dede
Slate, Gary- I have only
been in Canada for a couple of months. The family lives
in Allen Texas right now and hope to join them early next year. Little Gary is 25 now and has his own family. Sarah the youngest is a senior in High School and soon off to her own
world of adventures. I lived with Cathy, my wife for 10 years. Currently I am an over paid babysitter. I worked my way up from the bottom at Sanmina
to get where I am today. We are a contract manufacturing plant producing product for Nortel and Lucent at this site. When
I start working in Texas next year, my main customer will be Alcatel
along with a few other small customers. I am currently the Vice President of operations for a 350 million dollar plant. Sanmina has seventy plants
world wide with 45K employees. We are currently producing 10 billion dollars a year considering all of the plants that we
operate. It seems like a different lifetime when we worked together at Xerox. It certainly was an easier time in my life.
Two thoughts for the
younger group to take heed.You work most of your life to get the corner office to only try to give it away to some one else as you get older. Enough money is one more dollar that you
have. Email Gary
Smith, Greg- I'm working for Palm, Inc. in Santa Clara.
We make the Palm hand held computers. I'm still in the test engineering field. I've been at Palm for the last four years,
after an eight year stay at Apple Computer.I'm looking forward to the picnic, and seeing a lot of long-time (certainly not
old) friends. Email Greg
Spears, Lionel - Texas
Studer, Kathy- I work at Applied Materials now, I've been
here for going on nine years. I still keep in touch with Hilda Palacios and Laurie Heflin (Biro). I can reach Debbie
Martin. I heard about the reunion from Michelle Bucko, she also works here.
Tapia-Richard and Monica-After leaving Xerox, Monica
worked at a variety of places, including Parent's Press, Macy's, the Hayward Library, the Daily Review, and Hayward Unified
School District. Richard works as a copier technician. Monica's son Daniel (Busby) is now 23 years old, Richard's daughter
Juliet (from a previous marriage) is 19, and their son Jerimiah is 17 and a recent graduate of Hayward High. Their cat, Luna
is 3. Email Monica
Thomas, Arnie
- Oakland, CA
Thompson, John and Becky- NEW address: 549 Cielo Esta, Sonora, CA 95370 Cell:
650-876-0366 Email John and BeckyTodd, Jerry - (Sept'08) I am presently working at Mesa
Systems in Livermore. We were in Pleasanton, but as business grew we moved to a larger facility. I've been with this company
for 16+ years, almost as long as the 17 years at Diablo/Xerox.
Wade, Judy (and
Cliff)- I live in Medford, Oregon now. Cliff and I sold our business and have retired. We travel in our 40' motor
home every chance we get and always carry our laptop with us wherever we go to stay in touch with family and friends. Update- Judy and Cliff built a place in Yuma, AZ, where they will spent their winters. They sold their
house in Medford and spend the hot part of the year traveling in the motorhome. Email Judy and Cliff
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