Diablo Systems/Xerox Fremont Virtual Reunion

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2002 Reunion
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Looking for Someone?
Gone But Not Forgotten
Photos with the Monk


Lost track of a friend from your Xerox days?  Post a request for information here. Maybe someone else knows how to reach them.
(When contacting the person(s) below who are looking for someone, please refer to the Contact List page for their most current contact info - email, phone, etc.)

Looking for BILL THIERYEmail Marianne or Frank Cobarrubias.

5.12.08 -- Does anyone have any information on Shirley Ryder? She was the accounting supervisor before we all moved to Fremont?  Juanita Nicholson (Antoine)

Does anyone know how to reach the following folks? RANDY MCCLAREN, PAUL MCCOY, ROBERT TAYLOR Please email Cliff Wade.

Does anyone know where BOB TOWNSEND is? Or how about YOLAND BARBIER?  
Contact Carla Kurtz.

Does anyone know what PEGGY KIRIAZE is up to? Contact Terrie Rowe.
If you know how to reach the following people, please email Sher DiModica Gegenheimer: 
ROBIN GERLACH (married to David Cox)
CAROL STONE (married Jim Childer, last known area, Chico)
DEBORAH (DEBBIE) BROWN (married to Gregg Fredrick, last known area NC)

Does anyone know how to reach BOBBI CHAMPION, JAN REGAN HENNESSEY THOMAS (FOUND HER-then lost her again), JOHN VIERA or GERRY SPENO These are some of the old gang from Personnel. Has anyone thought of finding GEORGE COMSTOCK? (HEY JOAN! I FOUND HIM! CHECK OUT THE WHERE ARE THEY NOW PAGE ). He was one of the ones that started Diablo Systems with Dr. Gabor.  Also, how about ART SHAW or CATHY DECOSTA?  DAVID HOM? (SEE Contact List page for D.Hom) Please contact Joan Alexander.

Submit a request:  Marianne  ::: or :::  Terrie


Thank you for visiting the Diablo Systems/Xerox Fremont Virtual Reunion site.  This website was creatively designed by Terrie E. Rowe.  Please replace the Xerox/Diablo URL with THIS URL as the original site (https://members.tripod.com/terowe-ivil/formerxerox/index.html) is no longer maintained or updated.  This site is the updated version of the original Xerox Alumni site.   Thank you.

Regarding errors on the site or NEW ideas, as well as adding your personal information to an appropriate page, please submit directly to: Marianne  or  Terrie
DISCLAIMER:  If you see your artwork on one of the pages of this site and we have not given you appropriate credit, or if you do not wish your artwork used on this site, please email me to let me know. Thank you.